Mike Hulusi is an up and coming Australian bodybuilder and personal online coach. A relative new comer to the competition stage, Mike started his journey in 2014 after years of yo-yo dieting, in and out of the gym and suffering from a severe lack of motivation and self confidence.
Being a dedicated husband to Tunel and father of 3 children, Mike believes in family first above everything and is proud of his achievements so far proving you can have a great lifestyle balance juggling full time work, multiple businesses, family, nutrition, training and competition preparation.
Born and raised in Victoria, Australia, Mike had a broken upbringing with multiple family separations and experienced many heartbreaks along the way. Ultimately, the lifestyle he lived with the family was unhealthy and did nothing to help Mike’s health and fitness goals.
“Growing up, the extent my parents taught me about health was the Diet soft drinks were good for you. There was no foundational education or guidance on exercise, nutrition, gut health, mind health or even proper bed times. As a result, all of my siblings including myself suffered from childhood obesity often eating large servings of frozen lasagne or bowls and bowls of spaghetti Bolognese for dinner at 11pm, and we always had a desert.”
These experiences have lead Mike on a journey of self discovery and real world education. With Mike’s weight peaking at an unhealthy 136kg when he was just 19, Mike simply decided he had enough and decided to make a change.
“Over the next 6 months I read every magazine, article, book I could get my hands on trying to crack the code of fat loss. I would do countless hours of cardio then try to lift some weights with little to no results. I would try to cut all carbs out by struggled to stick to that plan and eventually would cave and binge eat. I tried everything!”
The addictive personality of Mike meant that as soon as he found something that worked he simply went all in. Over the next 6 months Mike would drop down to 81kg. The problem was his goal was always to lose fat, now he had, what was next?
“I had always like the look of muscles thanks to the movies such as Rambo, Cliff Hanger and Conan.. So I decided that what I wanted to look like. I went out and found the best coaches all over the world and set about learning underneath them all their different techniques and protocols.”
Mike believes we are always learning and is a true student to life, so he is committed to consisitently growing his knowledge across all areas of health and fitness so that he may better serve his online clients.
“Any plan will work, it’s just a question of whether you are willing to do the work too. So the real key to finding the perfect plan, is understanding that everyone is different and different plans will work well for some and not so well for others. With this in mind it is very easy to apply different techniques to indivduals and ensure that they remain compliant to the plan whilst also enjoying life. This is the real key to success.”
Mike has experience in working with all types from competitive bodybuilders and athletes to dad’s or Mum’s just wanting to look and feel better.
“I have a deep respect for all competitors and even more for people that follow my journey. I hope I can be an example to all those who have given up on their dreams and help them find that inner belief once more, so then they can go out and inspire someone else to do the same. When you win, I win.”
With unconditional support from his wife Tunel and their tribe, Mike’s sights are firmly set on the international stage, earning his IFBB Professional League PRO Card and qualifying for the Mr Olympia competition to represent his family and home, Australia.
On his days off, you will find Mike enjoying outdoors activities with his kids or the occasional date night with the wifey.
“Life supports those who support life. My advice, is to get up early every day and protect your dreams. Because there is always going to be someone trying to steal them from you.”
-Mike MTH

Are you tired of not seeing results? Let my experience combined with proven science guide you to that shape you have always wanted.